Donkey Crema Fata Anti Spot/Pete Brune 40 ml (30+)
109,00 lei
Whitening & Moisturizing facial cream for all skin types. With 100% Greek donkey milk by cryogenic treatment*, stabilized vitamin C, organic pomegranate oil & organic olive oil.
Donkey milk is considered since ancient times, elixir for skin care and beauty.
Contains proteins & amino acids that retain moisture in the skin and enhance the action of collagen and elastin.
Along with stabilized vitamin C, organic pomegranate oil, organic olive oil,UV filters, moisturizing and antioxidant agents, protects, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
Thanks to the triple whitening system it contains, prevents the production of new melanin while reducing the existing, thereby fighting the signs of aging from the sun, brown spots and discoloration.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Apply to clean skin avoiding the eye area and direct exposure to the sun. It is recommended to use 2-3 times a week.
For all skin types and especially for ages 30+. It is suitable for 24-hour use.
(*) Special treatment to preserve the unique characteristics and properties of milk.
Crema fata anti-pete,hidratanta,adaptata tuturor tipurilor de ten.Contine lapte de magarita(tratament Cryogenic,prin care se pastreaza proprietatile unice de elixir al tineretii),vitamina C stabilizata ca antioxidant,uleiuri organice de masline si rodie.Prin continutul in proteine si aminoacizi contribuie la restructurarea pielii,refacerea elastinei si a fibrelor de colagen si protectia degradarii lor, prin filtre UV.
Datorita sistemului de control al secretiei de melanina,previne excesul acesteia,reducand petele brune existente si inlatura posibilitatea aparitiei altora noi,datorita razelor solare sau procesului aging.
Instructiuni de folosire:se aplica pe pielea curata,evitand zona ochilor,timp de 2-3 ori/saptamana. O aplicare este valabila pentru 24 ore.
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